Your Defense Against Theft Charges
Theft-related criminal charges can range from shoplifting to auto theft and armed robbery. Of course, the more serious the charges against you, the more likely that a conviction will land you in jail or prison.
Therefore, you need an experienced and aggressive criminal defense attorney on your side. Our attorney, Lawrence Tickle, of Tickle Law Office, is the right person for the job. Known as “Tickle” by his clients, he can make a big difference in how your case is resolved. Contact us at our office in Louisburg, North Carolina, as soon as possible to get started on your defense. We represent clients in and around Franklin County.
We Handle All Larceny Crimes
We can provide you a strong defense against any theft crime, such as:
- Petty larceny
- Grand larceny
- Receiving or possessing stolen property
- Auto theft
- Armed robbery
- Embezzlement
The value of the stolen object affects how serious the potential penalties will be. In North Carolina, theft of money or valuables worth more than $1,000 is a felony; theft of $1,000 or less is a misdemeanor. Other factors, such as whether the defendant allegedly used a weapon, can affect the severity of the charges.
What Tickle Law Office Can Do For You
As your lawyer, Tickle will make sure your rights are protected, including your right not to answer police questions and your right against illegal searches and seizures. He will examine the evidence and develop a sound strategy to give you your best chance of avoiding time behind bars.
You do not have to give up after being arrested and charged with a theft crime. Turn to us at Tickle Law Office instead. We will get to work immediately to help you. We will keep you up to date and give you straight answers to your questions.
Speak To Our Defense Attorney For Free
For a free initial consultation, contact us as soon as possible after your arrest. Call 919-729-5002 or email us to get in touch.