Your Story Is Not Over After A DWI
When you face charges for drunk driving in North Carolina, you need to know your rights. The law provides you with a number of possible options to protect yourself during the legal process related to DUI.
Unfortunately, very few people understand they even have rights, let alone what those rights are. For that reason, you want to come and see our DWI defense lawyer at the Tickle Law Office.
Based out of Louisburg, we serve the legal needs of clients facing charges for driving while intoxicated throughout the entire region. You can turn to us for the experienced legal advocacy you need during this difficult time.
How We Can Help You
Our firm’s founding attorney, Lawrence Tickle (or “Tickle” as his clients call him), delivers his years of experienced legal knowledge you need to protect your rights. We draw on that knowledge to help you understand the options you really do have, as well as how to choose from those options wisely.
Whether your rights are protected best by negotiating or by going to court, you will rest easier knowing you have a firm in your corner that knows how the system works. Tickle works with you himself to prepare you, so you understand exactly where your case stands.
Further, you will also be able to rely on us for the forthright and frank and legal feedback you need. With our help, you will be ready for your next steps during your legal proceedings as well as steps you can take to protect your driving rights after your proceedings are over.
Don’t Give Up. See Us.
Learn more about what we can do for you by calling us to schedule a free initial consultation: 919-729-5002. You can also reach us online.