Everyone makes mistakes, but not all errors should have life-altering penalties. North Carolina's 90-96 law recognizes this, offering those facing drug charges for the first time a path to redemption. The 90-96 law serves a dual purpose: to offer people a chance to...
Firm News
What happens when you get a speeding ticket?
Speeding is such a common traffic violation that it’s become almost normalized. When you're in a rush or trying to pass a slower car, it's tempting to speed. However, after receiving a speeding ticket, you may realize it is more than just an inconvenience. Receiving a...
What is a defense of necessity in a criminal case?
Extraordinary circumstances may call for exceptional measures. Sometimes, a citizen must commit an act against the law out of duress or necessity. Such a conjecture has limitations that a defendant should understand before using this argument. Was there reasonable...
Do you know your Miranda rights?
Many people have at least a passing familiarity with their Miranda rights due to its commonality in popular media. But just how much do you actually know about these rights? Do you know why you should rely on them? What are your rights? Miranda Warning discusses a...
Do traffic tickets fall off your record?
Traffic tickets are usually minor infractions. Some of them may come off of your record after a certain period of time. Do note, however, that this does not apply to every type of traffic ticket. For example, tickets for DUI are also criminal, so they will go on your...
Can officers arrest you if you miss your court date?
If you are like most people, you likely pay little attention to a traffic ticket, especially if the officer issued it to you on the basis of an alleged minor violation, such as speeding. However, you need to take such tickets seriously, especially if they list a court...
How can I safeguard my finances during divorce?
Among the other impacts of divorce, many people also experience a blow to their finances. From asset division to alimony payments, there are a number of financial obligations that may arise, which will leave you in a tight spot financially. According to U.S. News...
How do North Carolina courts divide marital property?
When divorce hearings begin, one of the first things that judges must do is identify what assets and debts are marital property. North Carolina courts do not divide all of the property that each spouse owns and instead divide only marital property. Courts will...
Is parallel parenting right for you?
Choosing how to co-parent after a divorce is a deeply personal decision that differs from divorcee to divorcee. What benefits you and your child might not be the same as what benefits other families. You will have to go through your options and break them down one by...
Planning crucial talks with your divorce attorney?
Deciding to get a divorce can often create both a sense of relief and freedom and also anxiety and dread. After all, you will soon head into uncharted territories. Coming across legal terms you do not understand is just the tip of the iceberg. While some may suggest...