Like most people in North Carolina, you certainly hope to never find yourself in a situation where a physical altercation may arise. At the same time, however, you recognize that there are circumstances in which you may feel compelled (out of a sense of...
Month: November 2020
Will North Carolina adopt meaningful marijuana law reforms?
Two decades ago, it would have been nearly unthinkable for any state to successfully legalize a long-criminalized drug like marijuana. But in the intervening 20 years, we’ve all witnessed a major shift in public opinion and laws regarding the acceptability of the...
What counts as marital property in North Carolina?
You and your spouse might have accumulated significant assets during your marriage. If you two are now divorcing, you will likely bristle at the prospect of parting with these. Yet, you may not understand what exactly what assets you must divide. By understanding how...
What are some North Carolina speeding consequences?
As a North Carolina motorist, you are subject to a variety of rules and regulations as you travel the state’s roadways, but did you know there are strict laws regarding speeding in the area? The Official North Carolina DMV Website notes that a variety of suspension...