When getting a divorce is the only solution for your family, you may wisely choose to get a family law attorney’s assistance with your case. The benefits of working with a lawyer are numerous. An attorney can:
- Ensure you receive a fair property settlement
- Help put the best interests of your children first
- Lessen the emotional anxiety and stress associated with divorce
- Help you resolve conflict and disputes with your spouse
Many times, people are not quite prepared for the candid discussions that are sure to take place between an attorney and a client. Lawyers are not nosy and they are not trying to uncover your deepest secrets. Because your attorney is your advocate, they aren’t there to judge. They begin these discussions about your private life simply to help you understand your divorce case. If you are planning to get a divorce, below are some of the more sensitive topics you may need to discuss with your attorney.
- Infidelity on the part of your spouse or yourself
- Any domestic violence against you or a family member
- Whether or not child abuse is an issue
- Whether or not you need an order of protection
- Any religious conflicts between you and your spouse
- Alcoholism or drug addiction concerns
- Financial concerns that may affect your future
In nearly all North Carolina divorces, preparation plays a key role in how a divorce proceeds. The best way for your lawyer to help you end your marriage as painlessly as possible is by preparing yourself to talk over these uncomfortable issues. When you walk away from your divorce with a fair and balanced settlement, you will be glad you decided to remain open with your legal counsel.