If you are considering filing for a divorce, you could have many questions and even concerns. Whether you are unsure how the court will divide your property or you worry about child custody or support as a parent, you likely need to reflect on many different issues. However, you should not worry about the opinions of other people.
Unfortunately, some people feel pressured to stay in toxic marriages because of friends and family members. Reviewing data on the prevalence of divorce can provide reassurance that you are not alone if you decide to file for a divorce.
How many people get a divorce?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that in 2019, data reported from 45 states and Washington D.C. shows that 746,971 people got a divorce over the course of the year. To look at this information in another way, 2.7 out of every 1,000 people in these states ended their marriage during 2019.
Is the divorce rate decreasing?
Statistics show that in recent years, fewer couples have ended their marriage in comparison to previous years. For example, 3.5 out of every 1,000 people got a divorce in 2009, based on data from 44 states. In 2000, data from 46 states shows that 4 out of every 1,000 people got a divorce. However, it is important to note that the number of people getting married in the U.S. has also decreased in recent years.
If you are thinking about ending your marriage, focus on the unique details of your divorce and do not worry about what other people may think.