For many young adults, getting into college may seem like an achievement in and of itself. However, quite a few people have to work hard to find ways to pay for college, and many students who start don't finish. Some aspiring collegiates will drop out because of the...
Drug crimes
North Carolina checkpoint nabs 2 for drugs
A sobriety checkpoint in Dare County nabbed four Virginia residents just after midnight on April 23 near Nags Head. When the vehicle came through the checkpoint, the driver was unable to produce a valid driver’s license, prompting the investigating officer to look a...
Caught buying prescription medications on the street? Defend yourself
You fell and got hurt while you were at a friend’s house. You didn’t want to go to the hospital, but the swelling and pain were more than enough that you knew you’d need something stronger than the ibuprofen you had in your cabinet. Against your better judgment, you...
North Carolina authorities are watching for drug trafficking
If you think that federal agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and local authorities alike are stepping up their enforcement activities, you’re probably right. It’s happening because the interstates that run up and down the rural areas surrounding...
Hundreds arrested in North Carolina drugs, guns crackdowns
Law enforcement officials across the state have made hundreds of arrests in large operations over the past few days. In one case, the North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement issued an announcement that more than 200 people statewide have been arrested on drug charges,...